The American Idol Election

Friday, May 30, 2008

As American Idol ended last week, it is now time to focus our attention back on more important things, like the 2008 presidential election. The Democratic Party has two candidates who are making history because of the way they look, one, a black man and the other a woman. Now the black man, the new kid on the block Barack Obama is in the lead, and the veteran Hillary Clinton, the come back kid is hanging on by a string.

Since we live in an American Idol world, it is not shocking that everyone wants to jump on the Obama train. No one wants to be on the loosing team, it's not that Hillary doesn’t have anything to offer, but Obama is just cool. He's the guy you want to hang out with and have a beer, or the one you want to play basketball with, he's the COOL new kid everyone wants to be around. For instance; when John F. Kennedy ran for the presidency, he won votes because it was the first televised debate and he was a heck of a lot more good looking than Nixon, and women voted because he was handsome; it's sad but it happened. When Bill Clinton ran against Bob Dole in 1992, no one wanted to vote for the old guy, who had no charisma and couldn't play Elvis's Heartbreak Hotel. Bill Clinton won the votes because he was like Obama, the Cool guy. Clinton could walk into a room and have every one's attention, who could speak with passion and on command and his personality was flirtatious for women and for the men, he was the guy they wanted to hang with, and because of this he had the votes, especially the young votes. If no one has realized this yet, but Senator Obama is using all the tactics Frm President Bill Clinton used. Clinton targeted the younger voters and Obama is doing the same. Obama has been compared to Clinton in several ways, now if he wins; will he be able to be a leader like Clinton? Only time will tell.

The American Idol age on coolness and popularity, was happening way before Obama and Clinton, it's just more obvious now because God forbid we don't compare something to American Idol.


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