Al Qaeda message

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

There seems to be no end in the Middle East and the war taking place between the Islamic group Hamas and Israel. It is nearing week two and neither side is surrendering,there have been talks out of Egypt hoping to at least cease fire, so humanitarian aid can go into Gaza, but there has been no word on whether this is an option for either side.

Meanwhile, Al Qaeda have commented on the war and who is to blame for this (because they are someone to point fingers.) A message from Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda No. 2 release a 10 min. message stating that both President elect- Obama and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak are the ones responsible for the war taking place. He stated that this was Obama's gift to Israel before he takes the office of President in two weeks. The Obama transition team had not responded to the events taking place in Israel, as it is now 12 days of fighting. Obama did comment today after the video message, that he is deeply concerned about the lives being lost in Gaza and he will make it a top priority in his administration, however only one president at a time can make decisions.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's deputy chief vows revenge for Israel's air and ground assault on Gaza.


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