Whistle Stop Tour

Saturday, January 17, 2009

In 1816 President-elect Lincoln took a 12 day tour from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Washington DC, before his inauguration. Obama, who is following in Lincoln foot steps, took the same tour with his wife, the future first lady Michelle Obama, vice-president-elect Joe Biden and his wife Dr. Jill Biden.

The Obamas began this tour in Philadelphia, where the president-elect stated the “young nation had faced its "first true test" as a fragile democracy.” The Obama stopped in Delaware, where Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden joined on en route to Washington. Lincoln on his tour, made 100 speeches, Obama however made about three, invoking hope and history. That is what this election is about, HISTORY.

The future first couple and the Bidens, riding in a vintage railcar ended their whistle stop tour in Washington Saturday night. They are all gearing up for the “we are one” concert at the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, which will include Stevie Wonder, U2, Bruce Springsteen and many more. Obama will speak on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial tomorrow, before the future first couple gets ready to celebrate Dr. King birthday on Monday and the call to service.


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