The F Word...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I just recently took part in a 24 hour hunger strike with a cause I helped co-found, called Project MAD with a colleague of mine. Our mission is to make people aware of what is going on in the Horn of Africa and other parts of the world. We raised half of our goal, but we are still going and finding other ways to help them. What's going on in the Horn of Africa right now is not something we should take lightly and think it will go away, because it won't and we need to all step up and help get the word out and raise money for those children who don't make it to their 2nd birthday. The famine in Somalia has killed 30,000 children in 3 months. Yes, Thirty Thousand in Three Months.

Earlier this week Bono and the One Campaign released a video, that showed how they all really feel about the famine in Somalia. And it's not what you may think...donate money, but rather they want your voice. The video was made to go along with Bono's letter to Congress hoping they can pressure other world leaders to step up and help prevent that number of 30,000 of increasing.
"Famine is not a natural catastrophe – drought doesn’t have to lead to famine.  It can be prevented, as we have seen in much of Kenya and Ethiopia."--Bono

We need to remember that Famine can be prevented, as it was in Ethiopia and Kenya, it should be no different here. Although the situation is difficult in Somalia, the One campaign and it's supporters (like myself and Project MAD) are asking you to no loose sight, this situation can improve and the number of dead children can decrease, significantly.

Please watch the film and make use of the voice you have — sign the petition. It will make a difference in putting pressure on world leaders to do more to help those in need right now, and live up to promises already made to invest in the things proven to work – early warning systems…irrigation…drought resistant seeds… and of course, peace and security.--Bono


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