Inauguration Speech

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It has been stated that the best inauguration speeches came in a time, when this country was not at it's best, when the American people were struggling and not knowing what direction this country was heading into. Jan. 20th, could be one of those speeches, it couldpossibly go down in history as "one of the best".

In a time where there is a recession and war, Barack Obama could make the speech that could go down in history with Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy. It is said that in a great crisis (like the one we are in) it could help make a great president and help make a great speech. In 1816, the only moment darker than 1933, Lincoln made his first inauguration speech, he was looking out to a long road, not an easy one though, as the crisis he would have to handle (The Civil War) was at the beginning stages. But it was his second inaugural speech that went down as they best ever.

Obama, however would want to focus on Lincoln first speech, just like Lincoln, Obama is stepping into a massive crisis, that does not look as though it will end anytime soon, he too has a long road ahead of him. Lincoln was the only president Obama quoted in his speech after winning the election,"We are not enemies, but friends…though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.”

Obama should not only focus on Lincoln alone, FDR's "you shouldn't fear anything, but fear itself" some how changed the country overnight, but it was Kennedy's call to service that caught every American, it made them want to be Americans. The words "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" still resonates with every American who has heard it. Obama, wants to have one of those speeches, one that will make us want to be better Americans.

The speeches of hope and confidence are the ones that are considered to be the greatest in history, Ronald Regan was great at this. So maybe Obama will go down in history as having one of the best inaugural speeches, we all know he's about "HOPE" and "YES WE CAN"

Personally I don't think he can top the "yes we can" but I am sure he is going to make a speech as though it is his last, as though his presidency and his life depends on it. He is coming into the office of presidency with a crisis, that in its own rights is like no other.


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