The Banning of the Full Muslim Veil

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back in September of 2010, The French Senate voted for a bill banning the burka/nijab-style Islamic veil everywhere and this April it will go into full effect.  Muslim women are not by any means happy about this and some are even threatening to defy the French Law.

A six month grace period was given by the French Parliament to all Muslim women who wear the the veil, hoping that it will give them time to adjust to the new law. This law is about respecting the country's republican principles, wearing the veil means cutting yourself out from society, according to the French government.

So, exactly why is this law being enforced? France wants every person to integrate fully into French society, that includes tourist visiting from mid-east countries. But what does that really mean--Integrate Fully?  Do these women, whom it is safe to assume born citizens or naturalized not have the freedom to wear what they please. How is covering your entire body define who you are as a person, or how good you are at your job? I am neither pro or con to this, I believe a woman of the Islamic faith can dress conservatively without disrespecting her religion, but I also understand that someone's relationship with God is very deep and they feel they need to wear this veil.

Women who defy the new law face fines of up to £125, or being ordered to attend citizenship classes. Some of these women who are planning to defy this law, say they would rather stay in their homes than to show their face to society. If a man, like a husband or a brother, is convicted of forcing a woman to wear a veil he will be fined £24,000 or jailed for a year.

The French government, in 2004 tried to ban head scarves in public schools, that didn't work-- so now this proposed law is to take the place. However,what happens to those women who come from very strict Islamic families? Has the French government taken in to consideration that those women from those strict Muslim families have very little to no control of their lives. So, no burqa, means the only place they will ever see is the inside of their home. Some women at one point were allowed to leave home with their father or husband, but now there is no hope for them. The French government, I am sure hopes that these men would  lighten up and allow the women in their families to be part of the French society. Sadly, it is not that simple for a person who is part of the Muslim faith. It is something a non-Muslims can't understand, the profound love or respect for their religion can only makes sense to them. 

French society may not understand why these women wear what they wear or even why, but it is not for them to understand. Little does the French government know, but they are oppressing these Muslim women, by not allowing them the right to wear their traditional garment--means they will never leave their homes. In reality they are cutting then out of society, rather than "fully integrating them". A majority of Muslim women are not respected by other French citizens, but how can they if the government is not allowing freedom of expression.


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