One Hand In the Air for the BIG CITY

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today, marked the 10th anniversary of a day where a smoke filled island became the center of  the world, where France's present to the US (Lady Liberty) wept and sadly where thousands and thousands laid beneath two towers that made the once New York skyline the absolute best in the world. 

The healing stage is still in process, not only for New York, but for America. A process that may never come full circle, because the question still lingers "Why New York?" "Why my Dad?" "Why me?" New York is the big city,with bright lights and a overzealous people. But since that tragic day, ten years ago, the lights never illuminated as it once did, the big city grew fragile and the broken hearts of an overzealous population never mended. But as a people, they have come far since that smoke filled day, they have come to grips that it was not their fault, but that of a man, who saw the world one way and decided it was up to him to change it. However, his change took 3000 plus innocent lives and changed American as we know it.
To all the men and women who died on that tragic day, your lives and souls live on and will never be forgotten.
Stay Strong America!


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