Celebrity First Lady?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

No, don’t get excited, it’s not Michelle Obama or Cindy McCain, its France’s First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. The third wife of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, she is the heir to one of Italy’s wealthiest family’s tire fortune, a former supermodel/singer-songwriter, who has three chart-toppings albums, nude photos, high profile relationships with both Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton. So my question is, is this First Lady Worthy?

In the United States, Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain would not get away with this, they would probably be the reason their husbands would loose the election. So how did Carla Bruni-Sarkozy get away with this? Well France, doesn’t care, as a matter of fact they love their First Lady’s unconventional past. No one other than the United States has had a “Jackie O”, and well from the looks of it, we may never see another Jackie O in the U.S. But France got there modern day Jackie O, they got their celebrity politician wife, who quite frankly is not ashamed of the life she has lived.

So why does the United States and other countries look down on this, no one knows why. I don’t think the United States should be pointing fingers at anyone, but that’s just my opinion. If France is OK with their first lady and the life she has lived, who are we to judge them or judge her. To each is own. That’s my philosophy.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy meet President Nicolas Sarkozy at a dinner, it was love at first sight, they both claim, three months later they were saying their “I do”. It was labeled a historic moment, as it was the first time a French President tied the knot while being in office.


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