We Are One

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, two days before Barack Obama will take the big stage and become the 44th president of the United States of American on Tuesday, spent the say before Dr. King’s 80th birthday at the “We are one” concert.

It was a star-stunned event, including acts like, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Shakira, U2, Jon Bon Jovi and many more. This concert set the tone for the inauguration this coming Tuesday. Denzel Washington was the first celebrity to hit the stage, stressing to the crowd the show's theme of unity. His speech was followed by Bruce Springsteen's rousing performance of " The Rising". Laura Linney reminded everyone of FDR's "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" speech with Martin Luther King Jr.'s son by her side, and Tom Hanks paid tribute to Abraham Lincoln.

The concert was unbelievable, filled with patriotism in the readings, speeches and performances during the show. It ended with President-elect Obama standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, thanking everyone and reminding them of their call to service tomorrow, honoring Dr. Martin Luther King.


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