Muslim Comic Book on the Way

Sunday, September 26, 2010

An unlikey new superhero is on the rise and in the form of a young Muslim boy in a wheelchair. Sound strange? Well it is for some comic readers, but for Jay T. Snyder it's not. 

The young boy with super powers, is the brainchild of U.S. philanthropist and businessman Jay T. Snyder.  Snyder last month brought young Americans and Syrians together in Damascus by the Open Hands Initiative.  Snyder gave these young kids one job: come up with a storyline for a new super hero, and that they did.

Jay T. Snyder,  comic book collector who heads HBJ Investments LLC was inspired by President Barack Obama in his January 2009 inaugural address-- Obama's effort to reach out to the Muslim world.  President Obama has stress to the American public, that we are not at war with Islam, but at war with terrorist.  Synder wanted to be one of the many individuals, who's trying to bring both Muslims and Americans together. Some hold talks, share tradition, culture, literature and many other things to help both groups better understand the other, and Syder is no different. He is taking a different route though; one that will train both young Muslims and Americans, that working together is the key to end the madness .It may just be pretend land with super powers and high tech machines, but Synder, like so many others are trying their best to do their part in bringing about peace.

Jay T. Snyder and First Lady of Syria

The comic book will be their first ever to have international super heroes, some with disabilities and others without. The ideas came originally from the young Syrians and Americans, their idea's so distinct, it fascinated Synder and his crew--one girl wanted to combind the powers of the sun and the moon.

In the coming months, 50,000 Arabic-language comics will be distributed throughout Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East. The comic will also be available worldwide-- digitially for free through Open Hands and Liquid Comics websites.

The Open Hands Initiative was launched last November to respond to Obama's offer to the Muslim world in his inaugural address to "extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."  The initiative was desgined to promote  "diplomacy" between ordinary people which focuses on dialogue, understanding and mutual respect.

The comic book entitled "Silver Scorpian" tells the story of a young Muslim boy who loses his legs in a tragic landmine accident. He must learn how to deal with his disability,  as well as his new found  power to fight social inclusion, equity and justice.  The Silver Scorpian, is the first cross-culture super hero with a disability.


Sam said...

Wow, this look cool. I really want to see what their powers will be and how they will use it. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I see their point in doing you said the young can help stop the madness.

Ria Kh8n on September 29, 2010 at 2:27 PM said...

I agree with you both!

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