CNN Anchor- Surgeon General??

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

As Barack Obama gets ready to take the oath of presidency in two weeks, he is still in the process of hiring for this administration. But one position, the Surgeon General has been offered to a CNN Anchor, who has stated he wants the job.

CNN’s Chief Medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has been offered the position of Surgeon General in the Obama administration. Gupta has told administrators that he does want the job. He and president-elect Obama met up in November to discus the position. Obama stated “Gupta could be the highest-profile surgeon general in history and would have an expanded role in providing health policy advice.”

Dr. Gupta was born in Michigan to Indian born parents. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and a doctorate of medicine from the University of Michigan Medical Center. He is a board-certified neurosurgeon, and is also a board member of the Lance Armstrong LiveStrong Foundation, among other organizations.

Gupta joined CNN in the summer of 2001 and became part of the network team covering the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City and led breaking news reporting on the anthrax attacks later that year. Gupta’s jobs overlapped with each other on several occasions, like the 2003 Iraq invasion, on a Navy unit called “Devil Doc" he reported as well as performing brain surgery not once but three times there.

Gupta currently hosts “House Call” on CNN and is in talks with both CBS and CNN in hopes of getting out of his contracts.


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