{Photos} Syria: A year long Civil War

Thursday, April 12, 2012

More than a year ago, the Arab Spring commenced and since then the Syrian people have been fighting for change, but after a year long of fighting--that change has not come and will most likely not ever come for the Syrian people. Today, after failing to meet the UN Peace deadline of April 10th, 2012, Bashir Al-Assad has agreed to to comply with Kofi Annan's ceasefire, that formally came into effect at 06:00 (03:00 GMT) on Thursday morning.

Both the government and the rebel fighters have reported violations since the ceasefire came into effect. The government has yet to withdraw troops from cites, which they were suppose to have done on Tuesday. The question still remains if this ceasefire will last or will Assad last? Honestly speaking neither could stay. If the government continue to murder more Syrians and does not pull out of the cites, like  Idlib and Hama, then the rebel fighters are not going to sit back quietly and let that happen.

As for Assad, whether or not he stays in power, time will only tell. If this ceasefire does not comply with UN's plan--it will be up to international powers to take this into their own hands. It seems that no one or no country is leaning on Assad long and hard enough for him to step down. The Revolution of my generation started and ended with Egypt and Mubarak. If the youth of the Middle East want to see these dictators go, unfortunately they are going to have to bring them down themselves, because relying on anyone else--it may not happen. Although the Libyan fighters were backed by the United States, they (the Libyan people) had to take their over the top, out of touch with reality leader Gaddafi's out on their own. And it seems that the Syrian people need to fight harder or give in. Sadly that's their only option at this point, giving in--which they do not seem to be thrilled with at all. The ceasefire for these Syrian rebels may just mean time to rest and re-fuel.

Syria maybe getting ready to have a peaceful weekend. But we can't forget the year long civil war that took place--largely wrought by the Assad regime.


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