Al Gore Endorses Presidential Nominee

Monday, June 16, 2008

Frm. Vice-President Al Gore finally stepped out today, in Detroit, and got on board the Obama Express. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner endorsed the junior Senator from Illinois, after being speculated of running for office himself, yet again.

“For America to lead the world through the dangers we’re facing, to seize the opportunities before us, we’ve got to have new leadership,” Mr. Gore said. “Not only a new president, but new policies. Not only a new head of state, but a new vision for America’s future.” Al Gore left the political world after his upset in the 2000 election to current President G.W Bush and devoted his time and money into cleaning up the environment and promoting the idea of Global Warming. By doing so, he gained an Oscar, an Emmy and now has the title “Nobel Peace Prize Winner”.

Senator Obama waited for this endorsement, one would say, his entire campaign and it is the biggest one of all. However, the biggest endorsement and the biggest moment in his presidential campaign would be standing on the same stage with the Clintons. Even though Senator Clinton endorsed him, she really didn’t have a choice and wanted to show the country that she does have party partisanship. But it would be the moment of Obama’s campaign to stand on the same stage with both Hillary and Bill Clinton, it will be the moment when they step out and campaign for him, like Bill did in 2004, when Obama was running for Senate. That would be the moment, the biggest endorsement, not saying Al Gore is not a great Statesman, but no one and I mean no one can compare to Bill Clinton.

Obama, 46, has been criticized for being too young and he is in no way ready to lead this country. However, he smiled as Al Gore read a quote that President John F. Kennedy once read to a rival: “To exclude from positions of trust and command all those below the age of 44 would have kept Jefferson from writing the Declaration of Independence, Washington from commanding the Continental Army, Madison from fathering the Constitution and Christopher Columbus from even discovering America.”


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