Tis’ the Season to be Married?

Monday, June 16, 2008

The State of California, today officially began issuing marriage license to same-sex couples, the first state to do this was Massachusetts.

Same-Sex marriages in the Untied States have been opposed, that’s why only two states are allowing it. So if a Florida same sex couple wants to get married, then, they fly to California or Massachusetts, however it will only be recognized in those states.

So does America agree?

Well some do and others don’t. See God made a man and a woman, not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. However, who are we, but mere humans to judge the way a person chooses to live their love life. If he or she is happy, why does the rest of society thinks it OK to judge them and deny them rights? Personally, being gay is not nature, but nurture. I don’t think you learn how to love the same sex, it’s genetic. I am sure there are people who don’t agree with me and may accuse me of being a bad Catholic. But if God were on this planet disguised as an ordinary person, you think he would be happy with the way we treat people, because they are not like us, or that they don’t fit the norm.

Being gay is not wrong, and yes, being Catholic and saying this; contradicts every thing I was taught. However, we are no one to decide the way an individual living his or her life is wrong, that is between them and their God.


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