A Dream Gone Bye-Bye

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sixteen months ago a dream was in the works of becoming reality, Hillary Rodham Clinton set off her presidential campaign for the 2008 election.

Sixteen months later, she had to sit back and watch the new kid on the block take the spot she worked for. Barack Obama stood on the same stage with Senator Clinton as they came together two weeks ago to fund raise for his campaign in Unity, New Hampshire.

She’s by far one of the strongest female politicians America will ever see. The moment she married Bill Clinton, it was her dream to one day become the President of one of the greatest countries in the world, the United States of America. She came close, extremely close and it all slipped away.

As she stood by on the stage in Unity,N.H and Obama took the podium, the look on her face was priceless, the thoughts that must have been going through her mind. The thought of “this was my dream and now it’s over, after all the hard work has come and gone and I am left here.” She was the first woman to take this huge step and run for the presidency, and although she did not make it, she fought a hell of a race. As a woman I commend her, she had to face obstacle after obstacle and the media, in no way helped her. But she’s a Clinton, and from what we have seen over the past 20 years, Clintons never give up.


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