Nomination Acceptance Speech

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Obama campaign is contemplating on changing their venue for the Senator’s acceptance speech this summer. The Place--Invesco Field at Mile High, this football stadium where the Denver Broncos play can seat around 75,000 people.

The Campaign’s reasoning for this change could make for a compelling picture and event for the Senator. I have one question, if BO makes his acceptance speech at a football stadium, exactly what will he do at the convention? Isn’t the whole point of the convention is for the nominee to accept the nomination? I mean I can understand why the campaign may want a change, their whole campaign is about change, however sometimes I feel there are just some traditions that should not be broken, you know?

This event has not been set in stone as of yet, it may not even happen, because of weather problems, since the stadium is open aired. But it's a big possibility that this newly thought about idea may go into effect.

The Democrats' presidential nominating convention is scheduled to open on Monday August 25 and close with Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday, August 28.


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