Clinton: No Way, No How, No McCain

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Barack Obama is my candidate, and he must be our president,"
--Hillary Clinton

The DNC 2008 kicked off this week and its most waited on Key Note speakers in the last two days graced the convention today, it was former first lady and presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton.

Her speech came on the 88th anniversary of women gaining to right to vote. She opened with “I am a proud supporter of Barack Obama” as she called the party to unite and stand with her as she helped Obama become the first black President of the United States.
She stood up at the podium with poise and grace as she delivered the speech that marked the end of her campaign. Although it was suspended in June, today was the last we would probably see of her, because although she wants this party to unite and kick the Republicans out of office, who we are kidding, there are still hard feelings with the Obamas and Clintons. This convention was supposed to be hers, she is watching her life long dream pass her by and there is nothing she can do about it. It’s funny that this was suppose to be her time and her convention and although neither her nor Bill are trying at all, the media still labels it “the Clinton Convention”, kind of sucks for Obama, doesn’t it?

Her speech was empowering, spin-chilling, and it left reporters and delegates speechless. It reminded me of the 2004 DNC, when a young African American Senator from Illinois gave a speech that said “we are not white American, or Black America, or Chinese America. We are not a Democrat America or a Republican America; we are the United States of America.”

If no one has noticed, I am here to let you know that Barack Obama is running his campaign somewhat like former president Bill Clinton, no wonder he is the nominee.

Nonetheless, Hillary Clinton, delivered by far one of the best speeches of her career, and maybe it was from the heart or because she had something to prove. Whatever it was, she deserved the standing ovation as she ended with “No way, no how, NO McCain!”


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