9/11:Seven Years Later

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Seven years ago, the world changed forever, the horror that took place will always be remembered, no matter how much we may try to block it out. Over 3000 innocent Americans lost their lives because of one man’s anger and disgust towards the United States of America.

Seven Years ago, I was 17 years old, a senior in high school and my life changed forever. I sat on the sofa three days ago and watched 9/11 footage on the History Channel as it marked it’s 7th year and the same exact feeling I had when I was 17 seeing those buildings fall, was the same feeling I got 3 days ago, 7 years later.

It’s tragic that we live in a world in which we take people we care about for granted, we spend way too much time fighting with one another and finding faults in each other and it seems that we never realize that we could loose someone with the blink of an eye. We never tell people we love them or help someone we claim to care about; we push people away and hurt each other and all for what, so our pride doesn’t get hurt. In the end, it is not about the money, the material things, or even the job we slave over, but it’s about the people we have in our lives, with out them we are nothing. All those people who lost their lives, had people who cared and loved them dearly and I assure you, that the fight a husband and wife had on that morning, means nothing now, it probably hurts that spouse because the last thing they shared were angry words.

So seven years later, let’s rethink the way we live our lives with people. Let’s make it a point to show the people who are important to us, what they mean to us, show them the love and care that you would want, lets not take anyone or anything for GRANTED anymore, because we could all die in the blink of an eye.


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