Bobby Jindal Goes Against Obama

Monday, June 14, 2010

Eight weeks into the BP Oil Spill, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has had it on waiting on the Obama administration and BP.  Today he ordered the National Gurad to start building sand barriers off the Louisiana coast.  ABC news reports that Jindal told the national guard that he cannot sit and wait on BP and he is now taking matters into his own hands. 
Today, Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters lined up in the air, dropping sandbags one by one into the sea. Jindal has ordered the barriers to be built in the middle of the ocean, 9 miles off shore--this will  keep the oil from reaching the coast by filling the gaps between barrier islands.

These barriers, actually means more problems for BP. The Jindal administration will be keeping a tab on cost, sending it to BP at the end of this project.  BP already has already paid out 62million dollars in claims thus far. 

So will this barrier work? Well only time will tell, but the real question is...Will BP cough up the money to pay for this project, even after they told Jindal to wait on them? Well, Tony Haywood may just have too, but that is still up in the air. Haywood will be meeting with President Obama later on this week to speak about the clean-up effort and more...more meaning who is going to pay for Jindal's effort to keep his state from yet another destruction like Katrina.


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