The "New" New Deal

Monday, November 24, 2008

The time has arrived where President–elect Barack Obama has to match his words, the ones he has been preaching for the last two years. Today Obama unveiled his team of economic advisers who will tackle the historic financial crisis the Untied State has found itself in.

“The truth is, we do not have a minute to waste,” Mr. Obama said. “These extraordinary stresses on our financial system require extraordinary policy responses.”
--President-Elect Obama

In the windy city today, Obama introduced his economic team, nominating Timonthy F. Geithner as Treasury secretary (involved over the weekend in the efforts to stabilize Citigroup) and Lawrence H. Summers to head the White House Economic Council. Also, long time aide to Ted Kennedy: Melody Barnes was named director of his White House Domestic Policy Council and Christina D. Romer is set to head the Council of Economic Advisers. She is a professor at Berkley University.

Obama stated that there is one president at a time and with the do nothing approach being taken by the current administration, it has forced him to act on this matter quicker than expected. He mentioned that the tax cuts pushed by Congress under Bush will not be repealed or will not expire when they are suppose to in 2010.

President-Elect Obama has some high profile names on his cabinet, Robert Gates is in talks and Hillary Clinton will accept her nomination after Thanksgiving, this can make you only ask one question, will there be egos and head butts for the next four years?


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