Logically, it is no one’s fault other than the airport securities, who missed the underwear bomber. How could you have missed a bomb built into a person underwear? I'll tell you how you missed it, you are too busy focusing on Muslims and people who have beards or wear turbans, or look Arabic or whose last name sounds funny. That's how you missed the bomb, you have way too many people on the watch list and no one is briefing you on who really needs to be on that "watch list". Four-hundred and twenty thousand people on your watch list, do you really think there are that much terrorits? But, you are not the only ones who needs to take responsiblity for yet another mishap, let’s start at the beginning.
President Obama, you need to think about hiring a new CIA staff or retraining them. How is it possible, that a Nigerian dignitary can share his concerns about his son being a terrorist to the US government, and they do absolutely nothing about it? Or how is it possible that they knew about terrorists in Yemen and a person called “The Nigerian” and wait for it, even knew his name….And did nothing. Can someone please explain this to the scared American public?
It seems that in the light of all the terrorist attacks, I always seem to read about the U.S government knowing and doing nothing. I am really starting to wonder, if the CIA wants America to suffer another hit like Sept 11th. Your job is to protect us, brief the President on what’s going on, so he can decide what needs to be done. Do you not care for the safety of this country and its people? I mean was 3000 plus people deaths on Sept.11th not enough for you? Do you need more dead bodies before you start protecting us and tracking down anyone who wants to harm us?
It is said, that another attack is coming, whether or not that is true, are you CIA, looking into that? Or are you just focusing on things that don’t really matter?
God Bless!
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