Another Senator Kennedy?

Friday, December 26, 2008

So 2009 is around the corner and new politicians are all swearing in come January, President, senators, governors you name it, 2008 was the year of elections. But there are those few who want to hold office without doing anything; they want to use their name, in hopes of holding office.

Caroline Kennedy, the eldest child of President John F. Kennedy wants to be named Senator of New York, she wants to take to seat that a woman who, in the presidential election left her high and dry and unlike Caroline, Hillary campaigned for her seat. Ms. Kennedy is walking in the same steps of her uncles, they where all given seats because of who her father was at the time. So how fair is this that because of your name you get to hold office? That doesn’t sound fair at all in my opinion. If Ms. Kennedy really wants that seat, then I suggest she campaign for the special elections in 2010, and spend the next year getting to know the people of Harlem and not the ones she already knows on 5th Ave.

If any other person with Ms. Kennedy’s qualifications decided to run for the senate with out holding any kind of political office, they would be laughed at. It is not fair that all the local politicians of New York aren’t being tossed in this race, it is not fair that Governor Patterson is not going through he list of politicians who do things for New York, who have the experience, who fought for the people, it is not fair that he is looking passed them, hoping that if he chooses Kennedy that things would get done. Well here’s news for you Governor, let me remind you that she is a Kennedy. Although they are seen as America’s family and everyone loves the story of Camelot, they are not the clean cut politicians, we all think they are.


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