Teaming Up For Darfur

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the almost eight years of war in Darfur, continuous help and awareness has been brought to those displaced because of the genocide by an American Actor, George Clooney.

His charity "Not On Our Watch" has lobbied with the world, his Hollywood counterparts, the White House, Presidents and the U.N-- to keep the people of Sudan on their minds.

The Oscar winner and one of Hollywood's royalty has visited the region of Darfur numerous times, trying to find new ways to help the displaced and bring about peace with the  Government forces and rebels from the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).  His charitable organization (Not on our watch) co-founded with fellow co-stars Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, along with Producer Jerry Weintraub and Hollywood elite David Pressman has proven to be a voice for the people of Darfur.

The United Nations has called the situation in Darfur the world's worst humanitarian disaster. The international community has failed to act, and Darfur continues to deteriorate.  However, not on Clooney's watch, the actor has teamed up with United Nations, Harvard University and Google to prevent war crimes in Sudan.

A satellite surveillance will be launched on the boarder of North and South Sudan, to prevent a new civil war that may arise after the south votes in a secession referendum next month. The satellite surveillance will be funded by Clooney's Not On Our Watch organization and will collect real-time surveillance and combine it with field analysis from the Enough Project and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

"We want to let potential perpetrators of genocide and other war crimes know that we're watching, the world is watching," Clooney said in a statement. "War criminals thrive in the dark. It's a lot harder to commit mass atrocities in the glare of the media spotlight."

The data will produce activies from troops, civilians and other signs of conflict.


Anonymous said...

I hope it help, considering that this has been going on since 2003. I take my hat off the Clooney and his gang for all they are trying to do.

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