RNC: New Chairman

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Republican National Committee, yesterday elected its first African American as its party’s chair. Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of Maryland was elected after six rounds of voting on Friday in Washington.

The race for chairmanship came down to Michael Steel and South Carolina’s GOP chairman Katon Dawson. Dawson was the favorite after Mike Duncan dropped out of the race earlier that day (Friday).I'm proud to say I'm a conservative, have been, always will be," Steele told CNN this month. "So this notion that I'm a moderate is slightly overblown and, quite frankly, a lie."

The new chairman, after winning stated to the media that the GOP needs to fix its "image problem" by focusing on "issues that touch the fabric of people's lives."

Steele grew up in a Democratic household. However, as a young man he switched to the Republican Party.


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