The First Lady Portriat

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Michelle Obama, a modern first lady?

Well it seems that she is and it is no surprise that the media and republicans are not taking a liking to it very much.

She wears the brand names and she wears the up and coming designers, which are all probably going to make it now. She’s a little bit of the old and the new, the classy, yet sexy, the 2009, if you want to say. But according to most critics and well the Obama haters, she is not first lady material. In all seriousness, if I had her arms I would be wearing sleeve-less dress and shirts everyday. So she wants to show them off, big deal, get over it.

I am not sure if you have noticed this but the first couple wants to make their own legacy, as do every other first couple, but they want to be the Change, it’s what they ran on right? So it would be fitting that Mrs. Obama steps out of the box that most first ladies stay in, right? The point is, let it be, it should not be breaking news if she is not dressed appropriate, it not like she’s showing her stomach or her thong rides up so one can see it. All we see are her toned arms, there is no rule that says you have to wear sleeves or pink suits. Like Jackie O, she’s bringing her own style to the White House.

In the official portrait, the first lady is wearing a black sleeveless dress, white pearls -- and a smile. The photo was taken by White House photographer Joyce N. Boghosian.The first lady is wearing a black sleeveless dress, white pearls -- and a smile. The photo was taken by White House photographer Joyce N. Boghosian.


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