My Faith My Voice: American Muslims

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"I am American, I am Muslim, This is my Faith,
This is my Voice" is an organization brought to you by American Muslims around the United States. They speak about issues affecting Islam and Muslims in America.

Their latest PSA portrays American born Muslims, of all colors, shapes and sizes.  All seeking the same thing most American do-"life, liberty, peace and happiness."

The message is powerful in it's own right, it asks viewers not to pay attention to many of the things that have been said about their religion in recent weeks.

The young, the old and everyone in between voiced their faith asking the viewer to not see them as the enemy. But rather to except them for who they are, because these Muslim Americans are not ashamed of their faith.

"I am American, I am Muslim, This is my Faith, This is my Voice" That's all to it.

Both my father and brother are American Muslims and neither of them are ashamed of their faith, and they are not trying to take over the country, nor do they pass judgement on anyone.

They are not your traditional Muslims--my mother and I are prime examples of that. My mother, a Hindu and me--The Catholic. If you may think a Muslim wants to force their religion or beliefs on you, they don't.

Like any religion, they too want to be considered and they too want others who are not familiar about their faith, to know about it. To know more, will help you understand that they are not out to get you or out to destroy America.  What one man or organization does, does not define the entire religion.


Anonymous said...

This PSA is powerful. I do hope people take the time to view it.

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