'Baby Doc' Back and Charged

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I wonder if the former dictator of Haiti regrets his decision boarding that Air France plane on Sunday bound for his homeland. My assumption is most likely--YES!

On Sunday, the former teen dictator stepped on the grounds of Haiti, after 25 years of exile. His arrival was a surprise to everyone, although he was greeted with cheers from some 2,000 Haitians. Dressed sharply, the aged Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier was escorted by his Jackie-O inspired companion VĂ©ronique Roy, the granddaughter of a former Haitian President. The question still remains, why is he back? What is his agenda? and is he really hurting for a country he helped sent to the ruins?
"I came to help my country,"--Baby Doc

Most Haitians are disgusted with him and are extremely nervous about him being on their island, they fear extreme polarization and political violence that his mere presence could ensue. However, only two days after his arrival-- Haiti's chief prosecutor-opened a 2008 case charging "Baby Doc" Duvalier with a slew of criminal charges including government corruption, embezzlement of funds, money laundering, and assassination.

Duvalier was part of a father-and-son dynasty that ruled over one of the darkest periods in Haitian history. It was a time of a secret police force known as the Tonton Macoute, that tortured and killed opponents. His dictatorship sent thousands fleeing for their life, some never to return, others-- not so fortunate.

The International human-rights organizations and Haitians, who lived in his time of his horrid power have demanded for his arrest, and today that happened. Charges from a 2008 case that was lost in the rubble of last year's horrible earth quake was finally retrieved and the charges stand for both father and son--stealing hundreds of millions of dollars.

The question of his return still lingers in the minds of most of the island and some of the international community. His arrival comes at the most fragile moment in Haiti's history. The basket case Caribbean island, is still dealing with the ramifications of last year's massive earthquake that left 1 million homeless and then almost a year later, a cholera outbreak, taking lives daily and let's not forget the problematic election of last November, that is still to be decided.

With that being said, what's his agenda? Although he is hated by most Haitians, he still has a handful of loyalist who are lobbying for his return to power democratically. With most of the country being under 21 and not alive in his reign, they could see him as something new for their suffering island, but with these new charges against him, he has very little political support now.

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