Senator Kennedy resigned from being Attorney General nine months after his brother’s death and went on to the Senate and won for the state of New York. Bobby was considered one of the good politicians who were out to make a difference in the world. However it was taken away by a 24year old Sirhan Sirhan, who was very angry about the way the United States was treating Palestine, especially Bobby Kennedy. Sirhan, in his hotel room wrote repeatedly R.F.K must die, R.F.K must die, Robert F. Kennedy must die before June 5.68.
JFK’s younger brother was running for President on an anti-war ticket, the great white hope of poor black communities torn apart by rioting in the wake of Martin Luther King’s assassination six weeks earlier.The country was still mourning the lost of Bobby’s brother, who was also assassinated during a parade in Texas. Bobby too was still mourning his brothers’ death, but he knew his brother would have been beside him as he decided to run for the highest office in this land. America was ready to have another Kennedy to take control of the country again, they were ready to give this Kennedy his full term and for him to do his job and basically pick up where his brother left off. Robert F. Kennedy was a true American and a true politician, who wanted to take this country into new heights, he wanted to have America be the super power it was known to be. However, it was said that a curse has been put on the Kennedy Family and they fell like flies, well some at least. The Kennedy’s will always be the American family, who wanted to make this country the best that it can be and take us to new heights and watch us prosper. Sadly, none of them had the chance. Robert F. Kennedy an American Icon.
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