The Obama’s and the staff were all settled in and ready for take off, back to the windy city. But the presidential nominee was no where to be found, not on the plane or anywhere near the plane. So where was he? The Senator was on is way to meet with his fellow Senator and former competition Hillary Clinton. The meeting lasted about an hour with only a glass of water. Details of the meeting were not released to the press, but some have suspected that maybe they spoke about her becoming his potential running mate. I don’t think a decision like “running mate” was discussed at this meeting, the wounds were still fresh for Senator Clinton, and even though she wants to be back in the White House, it must have been extremely hard for her sit across from a man, who stole what she though was suppose to be hers. I assume that this meeting was a healing process for Senator Clinton, and her way of moving on, by letting Obama know that she is backing him 100%. She stepped outside of the box and expressed to him that it was time to bring the democrats in to the White House and bring this country back from the turmoil it is facing.
Both Senators Obama and Clinton were the United States first African- American and woman to run for the highest office, the Presidency of the United States
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