The Media's School Girl Crush

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Did you notice this primary season CNN, FOX, MSNBC and all other news networks focused their attention mainly on one candidate? Well, if you didn’t-- REALLY?? The 2008 Primary Season came to an end last week and both the Democratic and Republican parties had their presumptive nominee and they were ready to face each other.

The 2008 Primary was history in the making, from a Mormon to a woman, a black to someone who is way too old to be running, Hispanic, actor, you get my point. However, there was only one candidate that stood out and caught the media’s attention and that was Barack Obama. BO is the first African- American to have gotten a party nomination and the first to make it this far in a general election. However; before all of this he was just a junior Senator, who didn’t serve a complete four years and was ready to run for the President of the United States. The media was in awe, that someone had such balls to take that step, considering his background and, his experience level.
CNN, FOX, MSNBC became the Obama Networks and the other candidates of the Democratic Party were in the shadows of the junior Senator. Super-women herself, Hillary Clinton was second best and she’s a CLINTON! But it wasn’t that none of these candidates weren’t good enough or didn’t have great ideas to lead this country. Obama is the new kid on the block, the new politician, the guy who didn’t fit the criteria when it came to running for the President of the United States. This is why the media loves him so much. He is unusual and rare, when it came to running for the highest office in the land. But most of all, it was because he is African-American and the first one to have a following that is similar to Martin Luther King or at least it’s getting up there.

Senator Obama clinched the nomination for the Democratic Party and I am sure the media will not let up on him anytime soon.


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