Biden Accepts Nomination

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Senator Joe Biden was introduced by his son Beau Biden, as the story of tragedy was delivered to the convention and the nation. A heart felt story that brought tears to eyes of everyone at the Pepsi Arena. The story of a mother and sister, both loss in a tragic accident in the winter of 1972. The story of a young Joe Biden swearing in at his son’s hospital bed, the struggles of him wanting to give up, but knew this was his calling and he had to in some way serve this country.
"My friend, my father, my hero, the next vice president of the United States.” --Beau Biden, Attorney General, Delaware

Senator Biden opened his speech with attacks on McCain, "On the most important national security issues of our time, John McCain was wrong, and Barack Obama has been proven right," he said. He praised Obama, contrary to past comments made. He stated that Obama is a leader who as been right about the issues concerning Afghanistan.

He spoke about lessons of his childhood, especially one lesson taught to him by his mother “when bigger kids beat you up, you should go back out and "bloody their noses so you can walk down the street the next day." The camera paned to his 91 year old mother, as she nodded, “that's true”.

Biden and the democrats were surprised by his running mate, who made his first an only appearance at the Pepsi Arena. Obama said I think the convention's gone pretty well so far -- what do you think?". He thanked the Clintons for their support and embracing him as the democratic nominee.


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