This past Friday marked the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Each year CNN's Anderson Cooper ventures back to NOLA to update the world on the stories of the citizens who lost everything.The rebuilding process is doing pretty well, however there are still some, who are still struggling, some who never found love ones, some who still feel the pain. Although the presidential campaign is the topic of conversation these days, back in NOLA Gustav is the name on the tongues of the residents.
Hurricane Gustav is heading straight to the New Orleans, Texas area in less than a day. Residents are moving fast, no one wants to have to relive Katrina, no one wants to suffer, yet again. Gustav is said to be a Category 4 by the time it hits NOLA. This this time everyone is prepared and ready for Gustav, they are all leaving.
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin called "Gustav the mother of all storms, saying it could be more destructive than Katrina. You need to be scared," he said. "You need to be concerned, and you need to get your butts moving out of New Orleans right now. This is the storm of the century."
Keep the Big Easy in your prayers. Hurricane Katrina is something they will never forget and Gustav looks to be the same.
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