Now, I understand that Bush at the beginning of his term didn't want to tell the American people how to spend their money, but wow, doesn't that seem like a big mistake on his part or well the administration. I don't understand why the government needs to bail out selfish Americans and cheating, stealing, self-absorbs, greedy CEOs and big business men.

Why does the government have to cut down about about a million trees, so they can print up $700 billion, so they can pay for all the Americans who, didn't know when to say NO to buying something, or the Big CEO, who wants to steal, so they may secure their future. Since they can't do it like honest Americans, who work and save and know how to say No to their kids about unreasonable things or say NO to buying a new car, that they do not need, or say no to buy a beach apartment ( because that is very necessary to surviving in the United States).
The reason this country is the way it is TODAY, it's not because of the government, although they are to blame partially, but the the AMERICAN PEOPLE, the banks that didn't care to check up on their customers and their credit history and just give money out all willy nilly. Those are the people you blame.
This economic crisis started, back in 2001, when banks gave a loans for the purchasing of houses (not checking credit history) This economic crisis is all due to the housing problems. See when an individual bought a house, for 5 yrs the mortgage was easy to pay, since their was no interest, so let's say it was about $500-$700 a month. After that 5 yrs, the interest sky-rocketed and now the mortgage that was $500 is now $1500, way out of a middle class financial means.
See most American want to live this "American Dream", they can't pay for. Too many people in this country want to live the "spend way more than we make life style" and care not to pay for the credit cards they max out or 5 bedroom house, that is not need. They just walk away from the houses and, guess who has to buy it. YES, the bank (but they do not get my sympathy, since they didn't care to check up on customers before giving a chunk of money)
I understand that the BUSH wants to do something good before he leaves, but why do people like my parents, who work their asses off and save and knew when to say no , have to suffer. Or the people who are just starting their lives and have been saving to get things off the ground have to suffer?
America needs to shape up and stop living like they are royalty, because you are far from it. All the Americans who are on welfare and don't need it, get off it ,those who are collecting disability because your arm hurt, grow some balls and take some pain killers and let the people who need this get it. Stop buying cars and houses you do don't need, you are not John McCain or Barack Obama who made $400 millions dollars in one year. Stop cheating the GOD-damn systems and live honestly. If you can't afford it, guess what: DON'T BUY IT!!!! It's that simple.
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