In my opinion they both did well, however I felt that Obama agreed with Senator McCain too much, but maybe, just maybe both Democrats and Republican can work together on this issue.
"This was a clear victory for Barack Obama on John McCain's home turf. Sen. McCain offered nothing but more of the same failed Bush policies, and Barack Obama made a forceful case for change in our economy and our foreign policy," said Obama-Biden campaign manager David Plouffe.
The Media, however didn't see it like this, CNN declared Obama the winner, MSNBC, the same and well we know who FOX News declared and the most un-biased news source BBC, declared McCain. Obama says McCain is wrong about Iraq, McCain says Obama doesn't understand key issues.
"In the foreign policy section of the debate, it seemed to me John McCain emerged a clear " BBC News
Both candidates were more or less even on their stance in this debt. They attacked the bailout issue, government spending, terrorist attacks, Iraq, Iran, Russia....Both agreeing that this country must come first and find it's way back to the super power that it once was.
There are three more debates before the 2008 election:
• October 2: Vice Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, moderated by PBS's Gwen Ifill
• October 7: Presidential Debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, moderated by NBC's Tom Brokaw
• October 15: Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, moderated by CBS's Bob Schieffer
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