In Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman could now easily lose his seat to comedian-turned-candidate Al Franken. Senator Elizabeth Dole is certain to lose in conservative North Carolina and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has seen his race dangerously close over the past week. Does this surprise you? If it does, you are very naive.
For those of you, who don’t know, our Senate has a very low approval rating, lower that President Bush, mind you. President Bush has the lowest approval rating in history, so that should tell you something about the “Do Nothing Senators”. There are 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans, with two independents, who are with the Democrats. The Dems need to clinch 9 seats to have 60 and rule in the Senate without worry that the two independents could vote otherwise. This is very important for the general election, in case the election does go to the house.
But there will be no surprise if the Republicans get more seats, granted they are part of the “Do nothing Senators”,they as well could loose their seats to the Dems. The American people are so tired of the state we are in, the will vote for anything that is not already in power. The “Do nothing Senators” came into power and criticized the Bush administration for the war in Iraq and all the money we are spending, then came time to stand up and fight for the troops and the Iraqis, what did they do? Nothing! Bush asked for more money and guess who approved it, yes the “Do nothing Senators.” Their platform for their Senate race was "No more Iraq", so why when it came to keeping their word, they all voted to give Bush the money for the never-ending war?
It wouldn’t be a shock if the democrats loose seats this election, because at this point in time, the American public are not voting based on their political ideology anymore, but what is best for them and their pockets.
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