"The ascent of an African-American to the presidency is a moment so powerful and so obvious that its symbolism needs no commentary."
This campaign season was the longest in history, adding up to 21 months, with more than 15 candidates running for the presidency, all hoping to better the state of this country, but in the end one man stood tall in front of 250,000 people in Chicago and accepted his win, stating “change has come to America”. Obama, 47, one of the youngest presidents, a junior senator from Illinois won in a landslide against Senator John McCain, 349 to 173 electors. It was sad to say MAC didn’t stand a chance, even after getting most republican states; he still fell short to Obama. A clear sign was Obama wining Virginia, a republican president has never lost Virginia, never and MAC did. He ran a good campaign, he was the under dog, but in the end the people spoke and they wanted something new, something that didn’t remind them of the last eight years, something that didn’t remind them of BUSH. Both candidates ran great campaigns, but in the end only one was to win, and it was Obama’s time.
He is the first African-American, who ran for president and didn’t play on “white guilt”, but rather unity and that’s what took him this far. It is what this country needs at this time and although we may not see that,he spoke of hope and change and in the times we are in, it was what took everyone by storm and what made most people fall in love and pull the lever for Barack Obama, the newly elected President of the United States.
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