President Obama re-takes Oath.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today about 7:35pm, President Obama stood in the map room of the White House, according to some white house reporters to re-take the oath of presidency. This comes after yesterday’s 56th inauguration, where Chief John Roberts fumbled the oath throwing off the President.

Are you ready to take the oath?" Roberts asked.
"I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied.

Roberts recited a nine word phrase, causing Obama to come in on word six. If you noticed yesterday VP Biden’s swearing, the Chief Justice that administrated his oath went rather slowly, reciting about four to five word.

Here's how Tuesday's oath went:
Roberts: ... that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully ...
Obama: ... that I will execute ...
Roberts: ... the off -- faithfully the pres -- the office of president of the United States...
Obama (at the same time): ... the office of president of the United States faithfully...


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