Legalize Rape?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It has been said that Afghanistan is not only America's problem, that other countries need to take part in bring them to democracy. Well, these countries better take a good look at what they are supporting and the United States needs to look again on why making them a democracy is something they want to get involved in.

It seems that Afghan President Hamid Karzai has signed a law that critics says legalizes rape. This law states that an Afghan woman is not allowed to refuse her husband sex and not allowed to leave the house with out his permission. I am sure God is really liking this. Isn't it funny that the country that puts down others for not having God in their lives and judging the way other's live, is the same country that is legalizing something this foolish. I mean is their not one person who is some what intelligent to standing up for women in that country? The Untied States kicked the Taliban out eight years ago, because of nonsense like this and now, the man that we supported is passing a law that in my opinion makes them look even more ridiculous than they already do.

Apparently, a Afghan legislator does even remember debating this law in parliament, but it is somehow a law now. According to sources, President Hamid Karzai only signed this legislation for political purposes as a nod to Shia clerics in the country, who control about 20 percent of the votes. Karzai is up for re-election in a few months. So it seems that it's about him and his power and not about the people and what they want. Ain't politics swell?


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