North Korea's Missile Launch

Monday, April 6, 2009

Three years ago, the North Koreans launched a missile. However, it didn't make it, as it fizzled in about one minute of it's launch. But now three years later, a second missile has been launched. The North Koreans claiming that this launch was a peaceful attempt to send a satellite in orbit. However, the rest of the world doesn't seem to buy their story, as it is causing international concern.
Kim Jong Il has expressed great satisfaction on the launched rocket, showing no remorse or concern to the damage it may have done, if it had hit another country. The North Koreans were warned not to launch this missile and to also stop developing these weapons. The United Nations issued rules on missile launching. However, North Korea obviously showed them and the rest of the world, that they too have power and they are not going to be controlled. The launching of this missile was only an act of, "hey, guess what world, we have power too".

President Obama and other head dignitaries were irritated with the news of the launch, most states stating that this was a "provocative act". The President is in workings of having yet another summit by the end of this year. This summit will deal solely on nuclear weapons and the developments of them. Obama will not have to look far for countries to back him, as South Korea is sadden by the launch, since they have repeatedly asked their neighbour to not launch any missiles. Japan stated the launch was "extremely regrettable" and pointed out that this was a breach on U.N. resolutions.

Japan, let a sigh of relief, as it was in the missiles' clear path. However, they (Japan) are not the only ones who should be letting out a sigh of relief. This rocket could have reach as far as Canada or the United States. Stage one of the rocket fell into the Sea of Japan and and the payload in the Pacific Ocean.

The North Koreans are basking in the joy and they have stated a successful launch, but the United States doesn't see it like that. So what happens to North Korea now? They have broken rules placed on them. Will there be consequences to this action? Well, no one knows yet. Kim Jong Il should get ready to answer for the rules he has broken for the second time.


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