American Idol

Friday, May 22, 2009

On Wednesday night, I was sitting on the sofa waiting for Mr. Hunter to get off the phone and I resorted to watching American Idol. In all the time this show has been around, I have watched it once. It was the results show of the very first Idol, where Kelly Clarkson won.

You know, I understand we all need a good show sometimes. But what baffles me is that the American public care for some wannabe singers, than they care about the country they live in. This American Idol got 100 million votes, are you kidding me? How is it that the presidential election comes in second to a reality show. Wow!!!! And you wonder why other countries now look at us as a joke. We care to vote for Kris Allen than for a President or a Senator, who could actually make change. I mean don't get me wrong Mr. Allen has an awesome voice. But what are these idols going to do for this country? I am in no way angry at the show or it's participant. I am angry at the American people, and their lack of caring.

Everyone wants to blame the government and everyone else, but then again it's easy to point fingers. Maybe if they came out and voted or spent some time getting to know candidates, then maybe, just maybe this country could be at a better state that it is in right now.


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