Father Cutié Finds a New Home

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Rev. Alberto Cutié has officially left the Catholic Church and taken a new home with the Episcopalian Church. Today, he will deliver his first sermon to a congregation, who has been patiently waiting for about two hours before the service is set to begin. All hoping to secure a seat and hear the words of a man dubbed “Father Oprah”.

This cross-over comes after photos surfaced of Cutié and an old friend kissing and hugging on a Florida beach. Cutié was removed from the Catholic Church a couple of weeks ago after having admitted that he is indeed in an intimate relationship with Ruhama Canellis.

I believe that we all have a calling in life and I believe that calling is from God. I am sure some of you may differ, but I am entitled to my opinion, as are you. I think that Father Cutié had a calling to serve the Lord as a priest, but at this point in his life, he has a calling to be a husband and later a father . So who are we to judge him, I mean we are not perfect. We all grow as individuals and today your calling maybe to be a mother and five years from today your calling maybe to join missionary group and save the world, then so be it. Our callings all differ from one another.

However, I understand that there are traditions and rules and why the Catholic Church in upset and does not take what he did lightly. I wouldn’t take it lightly, considering that earlier this month Father Oprah did admit that he has been romantically involved with Canellis for two years prior to the magazine revelation. My question is, if this story wasn’t made public, would he have continued being a Catholic priest, with a significant other? I think the Church would have understood if he realized he was struggling with his love for God and his love for a woman and made a decision and been up front about it. Instead he didn't and for two years kept it a secret. We all have free will; we may sometimes make right decisions or bad decision. My dilemma is, when we take an oath and we go back on it, are we not strong enough and take the easy road because it may mean great sacrifice. Or is that great sacrifice not intended for us, but for another?

Although it will be a year before he can officiate formally at Episcopalian services, he will give his first sermon today. Fr Cutie said he will "continuing the call to spread God's love" and paid tribute to the spiritual home he was fleeing. "I will always love the Catholic Church and all its members who are committed in their faith and have enriched my life in so many ways..


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