North Korea: Ready for the U.S?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

North Korea is a little kid. When you tell them not to do something, they can careless and do it any way (laughing while doing it).

This past Friday was the sixth straight day of testing their nuclear missiles. Although the United Nations is working hard (like that will stop them) on punishment and more sanctions to stop missile testing, it’s not really scaring the North Koreans and Kim Jong IL.

Our army and people are fully ready for battle... against any reckless US attempt for a pre-emptive attack," it said in a piece criticizing US moves to relocate its fighter jets.

So, lets analyzed this: If Barack Obama and his administration makes any decision that may effect the Koreans or one that they do not like, then GUESS WHAT GUYS, we are screwed!!!!!!!!

The Koreans don’t fear the United Nations and they sure as hell are ready to go to war with us, what are we suppose to do Mr. President?

Didn’t Barack Obama in a CNN debate tell us that he would meet with all these leaders, so there may be peace in the world? Did you remember Hillary Clinton opposing that saying it would be a “bad idea”…..Well guess what, she was probably right. President Obama hasn’t met with any of these leaders who hate the United States. I guess Clinton has a huge influence on Obama to this point. ( I mean most of Obama’s people are former Clinton people, so I am sure it’s hard for them to go against what she may think, just my opinion.)

Obama on Monday, assured Japan and South Korea his commitment to security in Asia and they need not worry about North Korean. The United Nations later on in the week had emergency sessions on talks of forming sanctions on the Koreans. But like I said before, they DO NOT care. North Korea has already made it clear to the South that if they join the PSI ( a US-led non-proliferation campaign involving searching ships carrying suspect cargo, aimed at stopping the trafficking of weapons of mass destruction) there will be a full blown WAR!!!!

So guess what, it seems the North Korean and Kim Jong IL just wants to go to war with someone and sadly it might be the United States.


bathmate on December 17, 2009 at 2:26 PM said...

bathmate on December 18, 2009 at 9:03 AM said...

Moderate posting....Need to be more informative.....
I hope this blog will do better in next time.


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