Should Nancy Pelosi be Fired?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

According to Sean Hannity, the Speaker of the House should be fired. Sadly I have to agree with the Fox host. Ms. Pelosi, needs to get of that "I am making history being the first female speaker of the house" and start doing her job.

Pelsoi stated last week that the CIA did not brief her and other lawmakers on their use of waterboarding during the Bush administration. I personally find that extremely hard to believe. You can't tell me that the senior democrat (Pelosi) on the intelligence committee in 2002 was not briefed on what was going on concerning terrorist. Pelosi says that waterboarding was mentioned, but that they were not taking part in that kind of torture.
However, the CIA states that waterboarding was clearly spoken about in that meeting Pelosi did attend in 2002. They also state between 2002 and 2009, topics concerning waterboarding was clearly spoken about at those intelligence meetings, did I mention that Nancy Pelosi was the senior democrat of that committee and the chairman of that committee at the time went on the be the CIA director. So either she wasn't paying attention or choose not to hear it. Or as some republicans have stated they (democrats) didn't approve of waterboarding, but did nothing to stop it. So who is telling the truth?

In 2003, a briefing was sent to the senior democrat on the intelligence committee, stating the practice of waterboarding. She later sent a letter to the CIA protesting that briefing. So who's lieing.....THE CIA or the Speaker of the House? Was she really briefed or did the CIA fail to mention what they were doing? And was she right in saying that the term waterboarding was just mentioned.

It is hard to believe that she didn't hear that terror suspect Abu Zubayhah was subjected to waterboarding 83 times in August 2002 and she was briefed a month later. How does the CIA fail to mention 83 times? Or how does Pelosi not hear that? Or how do you as a top lawmaker choose to not pay attention to such a thing.

Pelosi says at that time she and other democrats were focused on getting back the house and changing things. Writing one letter wasn't going to change the fact that waterboarding was taking place. According t0 the Speaker of the House, the leader needed to be changed. Well Ms. Speaker, the leader has been changed.


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