Clear Channel Passes on Palin

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The country's biggest radio conglomerate, Clear Channel has said NO to ex-governor Sarah Palin having her own talk show. Clear Channel fears that Palin will not be able to sustain a three hour show.
Although Palin would be a better fit for conservative radio, she sadly doesn't have what it takes, according to clear channel insiders. Palin who is a journalism major did have a broadcasting job way back as a sportscaster in Anchorage. But as we have all seen, that didn't work out to well for her. She has been testing the waters with possibly having a syndicated show, but from the looks of it, she may not get that.

Palin's negative with Clear Channel is that she may not be able to hold the forth for three hours a day, fifteen hours a week. Although she may have things to talk about, they don't see her as being able to improvise, as much of our syndicated host like, Rush, Imus, Stern, even Seacreast are able to do. I guess, no one really sees her as holding her own.
So, it seems that Palin's hopes for becoming a radio star has been crushed, well at least by Clear Channel and from the looks of it, it may be the same with anyone else. Sadly no one really wants to hear that "captain of the cheer leading team, pageant voice" talk about conservative politics.


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