When Politics become Fashion

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We live in a world, that whenever something is popular, we try to make money off of it, make it the trend that people cannot resist. Back in the day we wore things to make a statement, things that showed what we stood for and believed in, things that we, as human beings identified with.
As the years went by, those clothes or shoes, or jewelry that had significant meaning to us, has become part of the fashion. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is that a certain set of beads have now become the trend. A Rosary is something meant to be prayed with, not worn at a club, it is something sacred, that you mediate and pray in silent with. I am not sure who is the fool that made this fashion, but somebody needs to tell him or her that is isn't. But the rosary is not the only thing that have been taken from religion or tradition and made popular. The Keffiyeh scarf, is now the new and latest thing that we wear, but do we know the meaning behind it. I hear most people say they don't agree with Palestinians and what they are doing, yet they are wearing their traditional head wear around their neck, does that make any sense? This scarf is traditionally worn by Palestinian peasants, the keffiyeh became a symbol of Palestinian nationalism during the Arab Revolt of the 1930s.
Know what you're wearing, or DON'T


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