Johnston/Palin-GO AWAY

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The first time we saw Levi Johnston, he was the 18yr old on the arm of Bristol Palin, the 17yr old pregnant daughter of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.

Look, like the next person, I am not the biggest Palin fan, but Jesus in heaven are we ever going to be rid of the former fiance? Sadly things didn't work out with him and Britol Palin, like most 18yr old...its time to take make that step of being a man and having sex. But nine months later they are not so happy. Yeah, that's a real man. We may not really know who is to be blamed for the break up, but guess what Levi, nobody really cares. Your 15 minutes of fame was over at the GOP convention.

However, Levi's new minutes of fame comes after Sarah Palin announced she is resigning as Alaska governor, not fulfilling her whole term. There has been many opinions as to why she is stepping down. The latest on comes from a 19 year old (Levi) who states that Palin is stepping down because of money. Johnston says that while he lived with the Palins earlier this year he did hear them (Palins) speak about, cashing in on some lucrative deals, like a reality show and a million-dollar book deal.

Johnston made this statement in a press conference this past week, can someone tell me how a 19yr old, who works as a carpenter can call a press conference to bash someone else? Regardless, Levi is also working on his own book and movie deal. I guess he learned a lot from the Palins. They all seem to be the same. In my opinion, can we stop covering them....Why am I even writing about this? I too, must be an idiot.


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