Not Adding Up For Palin

Sunday, July 12, 2009

About a week and a half ago, Governor Sarah Palin, stated she will be stepping down. She states she is not going to be like any of the politicans out there and it is not ususal politics for her. She states that money and time are being taken away from the state because of her and the media attacking her. OK, so let's examine this:

Palin stated in her resignation speech that she is not going to sit back and watch taxpayer money go towards the government defending her administration. But here is the weird part, the money alotted for the state attorneys who are defenfing all the ethics complaints, were budgeted way in advance, so if they weren't defedning her, they money would have gone to them anyway.

So what is the real reason behind Palin stepping down? There are only three complaints against her as I write this. It turns out that these lawyers were free to work on other cases, so these ethics complaints were not as big as Palin claims them to be. In her head maybe they were big.

Is she really the hero, standing up for the taxpayers or is there another reason as to why she is resigning? I am sure we will find out.....She is a politician and no one is really buying her story.


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