Facebook/Twitter Blocked?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

We are in the age of social networking. Four out of five people use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Youtube. They use it to connect with friends, promote events, businesses, charitable causes, you name it, it's probably on Facebook or someone is tweeting about it. However in China, no one is tweeting or posting FB messages.
Back in July The Republic of China blocked the social networking sites of Facebook and Twitter. YouTube, MySpace, blogs and photo sharing sites have also been added to the blocked list since then. Chinese officials stating that these sites are blocked for the good of the people, they want nothing to harm society and these sites could do so.
The Chineses people assumed with the 60th anniversary of The Republic Of China earlier this year, Chineses officials would lift the block and they would have full Internet access. However, that was only wishful thinking. It seems that China will be entering 2010 with no tweets or FB messages.

God Bless
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