Death Toll Rising in Chile

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Emergency rescue workers are on the ground today, in Chile—one day after a massive 8.8 earthquake rocked the South American nation. The magnitude of yesterday’s earthquake released several Tsunami warnings for most of the pacific coast, including Hawaii.

Chile, situated on the west of South America is known for its large magnitude earthquakes—with 12 of them reaching over 8.5. Yesterday’s 8.8, toppled buildings and bridges, cut off power and communication from the world and sent it’s people to the streets to find moments of peace. The nation faced about 40 after shocks, all topping over 5.0. Residents are trapped in cars that were flung over highway overpasses, burning buildings and collapsed homes.

Emergence workers worked through night with out power, putting the death toll this Sunday morning to 300 dead. Government officials stated yesterday that they expect the toll to triple that of 300. Over 200,000 people live in the city of Concepcion.

President Michelle Bachelet declared a "catastrophe" and said at least 80% of Chile's population of roughly 16 million had been affected.

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