You're a Hottie

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"You're a hottie with a smokin' little body." That's the Quote of the day. So you maybe wondering why this is such a big deal. Well just imagine being President of the Free World and a little hottie tells you, that "you're a hottie with a smokin' little body". Well there is no imagining, those words were actually spoken to President Obama today.
While on his job-economy tour to upstate New York today, President Obama was greeted by a Luann Haley, who apparently really wanted a hug from the President. So, Ms. Haley knew she had to have the absolute best line for him and well she did. Mr. Obama, I am sure blushed, because I'm pretty sure he's never heard such a line. But nonetheless, Ms. Haley, who works for the Department of Education, got her hug, a big one to that.
However, there is more to this story and that hug.  After Luann Haley was hugged by President Obama, whom apparently gave her a big ole' squeeze. She swooned and he said Michelle would be watching on television. "That's all right,"' Ms. Haley said as the cameras rolled. "Hi Michelle, eat your heart out."

And that ladies and gentlemen, is your quote of the day.


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